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(Background functions)
(Background functions)
Line 16: Line 16:
* screen - which screen (0 to 1)
* screen - which screen (0 to 1)
* bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
* bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
* bgnfo -  
* opts - options for this background, such as BG_32x32|BG_COLOR_256|BG_PRIORITY() to be OR'd onto this background's control register.
* tiles - pointer to tile data
* tiles - pointer to tile data
* tilesize - size of tile data in bytes
* tilesize - size of tile data in bytes
Line 22: Line 22:
* mapsize - size of map data in bytes
* mapsize - size of map data in bytes
<source lang="c">
<source lang="c">
bool thBgCreate(int screen, int bg, u16 bgnfo, u16 *tiles, int tilesize, u16 *map, int mapsize);
bool thBgCreate(int screen, int bg, u16 opts, u16 *tiles, int tilesize, u16 *map, int mapsize);
Line 52: Line 52:
Update the palette used by a background. Screen must first be set to proper mode using thBgSetMode or thBgSetModeSub in order for thUpdateBgPalette to know if its 16 or 256 color mode.
Update the palette used by a background. Background's control register must first be setup using thBgCreate, thBgLoad, or the BGCR macro in order for thUpdateBgPalette to know if its 16 or 256 color mode.
* pal - pointer to RGB15 array of palette data
* pal - pointer to RGB15 array of palette data
* dstpal - destination bg (0-3)
* dstpal - destination bg (0-3)

Revision as of 17:45, 2 February 2009


What is this?

Background management functions for nintendo ds. Supports easy loading from filesystem, smart vram allocation, and stuff.


  • finish documentation...

Background functions

Initialize the thBg system, this includes setting up the scene manager, malloc functions and assigning VRAM banks.

void thBgInit(void);

Loads a bg map, tiles, and palette into vram and displays it

  • screen - which screen (0 to 1)
  • bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
  • opts - options for this background, such as BG_32x32|BG_COLOR_256|BG_PRIORITY() to be OR'd onto this background's control register.
  • tiles - pointer to tile data
  • tilesize - size of tile data in bytes
  • map - pointer to map data
  • mapsize - size of map data in bytes
bool thBgCreate(int screen, int bg, u16 opts, u16 *tiles, int tilesize, u16 *map, int mapsize);

Loads a background from from file(s). If tiled bg, fileprefix is the beginning of name, .raw, .bin, .pal is then appended to provide names for loading.

  • screen - which screen (0 to 1)
  • bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
  • fileprefix - filename, or start of filename if paletted bg
  • opts - options for this background, ORed together, such as: BG_32x32|BG_COLOR_256|BG_PRIORITY(BG_PRIORITY_2)
bool thBgLoad(int screen, int bg, const char *fileprefix, int opts);

Unloads and stops displaying background

  • screen - which screen (0 to 1)
  • bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
bool thBgDestroy(int screen, int bg); //frees any used vram, and otherwise disables specified background.. returns true if bg exists

Rotates and/or scales a background. Screen must first be set to proper mode using thBgSetMode or thBgSetModeSub

  • screen - which screen (0 to 1)
  • bg - which background to use (2 to 3 only!!!)
void thBgSetRotScale(int screen, int bg, u16 angle, int xmag, int ymag, u32 scrollx, u32 scrolly, u32 xc, u32 yc);

Update the palette used by a background. Background's control register must first be setup using thBgCreate, thBgLoad, or the BGCR macro in order for thUpdateBgPalette to know if its 16 or 256 color mode.

  • pal - pointer to RGB15 array of palette data
  • dstpal - destination bg (0-3)
  • size - in bytes of RGB15 array.
void thUpdateBgPalette(uint16 *pal, int dstpal, int size);

Same as above except applies to Sub screen.

void thUpdateBgSubPalette(uint16 *pal, int dstpal, int size);

Macros and Defines

//map allocs grow from top downward...
#define THMAXBGTILES	(128/16)	//max tile slots (128K / 16K tile slot boundries)
#define THMAXBGMAPS	31		//max map slots (128K / 1K map slot boundries)
//for thBgLoad
#define BGDEFAULTS	-1
#define THMAXBG	0x4	//each screen only has up to 4 bg right?
#define THMAXSCR 0x2
//macro to find proper bg control reg
#define BGCR(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000008+((s)<<12)+((b)<<1)))
#define BGX(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000010+((s)<<12)+((b)<<2)))
#define BGY(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000012+((s)<<12)+((b)<<2)))
//bitmap same as tile 0x4000 boundries ^^
#define BGBMPRAM(s,b)  (((b)<<14) + 0x06000000+((s)<<21))
#define BGTILERAM(s,b) (((b)<<14) + 0x06000000+((s)<<21))
#define BGMAPRAM(s,b)  (((b)<<11) +  0x06000000+((s)<<21))
#define DISPLAYCR(s)       (*(vuint32*)(0x04000000+((s)<<12)))
enum {
#define thBgSetMode(m) ((*(vuint32*)0x04000000)=((*(vuint32*)0x04000000)&0xfffffff8)|(m))
#define thBgGetMode() ((*(vuint32*)0x04000000)&0x7)
#define thBgSetModeSub(m) ((*(vuint32*)0x04001000)=((*(vuint32*)0x04001000)&0xfffffff8)|(m))
#define thBgGetModeSub() ((*(vuint32*)0x04001000)&0x7)
//Macros to get the allocated tile and map locations for a particular screen
#define thBgTile(s,b) (thbgs[(s)][(b)].tile)
#define thBgMap(s,b) (thbgs[(s)][(b)].map)
inline void thBgEnable(int screen, int bg);
inline void thBgDisable(int screen, int bg);
void setBgVBlank(void);		//set the BgVblank int
void vblankInt(void);		//this function needs to be called during vblank, calling setBgVBlank() sets this as vblank interrupt..
void thBgVramAllocInit(void);		//alloc init (called in bg init)
inline int thBgMAlloc(int screen, u32 size);	//bg map alloc (size in map slots 0x800 boundries)
inline int thBgTAlloc(int screen, u32 size);	//bg tile alloc (size in tile slots 0x4000 bounds)
inline bool thBgMFree(int screen, int map);	//free for each of above 
inline bool thBgTFree(int screen, int tile);
bool thBgCreateAlloc(int screen, int bg, int tilesize, int mapsize);	//alloc for both tiles and maps, and store values into bg table
typedef struct _THBG_T {
	int	map;
	int	tilealloc;	//tiles grow from top of vram.. 
	int	tile;
	bool	used;

Scene management functions

These functions allow for setting up, updating, and cleaning up after different scenes.

typedef void(*_pBgStartFunc)(void);	//Background Setup Function (called first)
typedef void(*_pBgUpdateFunc)(int);	//Background update function
typedef void(*_pBgFinishFunc)(void);	//Background destroy function 
typedef struct {
	_pBgStartFunc 	start;
	_pBgUpdateFunc	update;
	_pBgFinishFunc	finish;
	void 		*bgdat;		//background set specific data
} thbg_t;
void thBgUpdate(int frame);	//call this every vblank
void thBgStart(thbg_t *thbg);	//call this to start a bg (will first stop any already running)
void thBgFinish(void);		//stops bg, erases bg mem, etc

Internally Used Structures

bgre vram alloc element (This is exactly the same malloc scheme i keep ripping off from vram malloc and is used by sprites, fifo and bglibs... rly i should just make a universal malloc code and consolidate all these...)

typedef struct _bgre {
	u16	size;	//in tiles
	u16	tile;
	bool	used;
	struct _bgre *next;
} bgre;
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