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Whats This?
Eggdrop tcl script that enables otherwise powerless users with +v in a channel to kick, ban or set topics sorta providing halfops type functionality on networks limited to ops and voices (like efnet :). Will not of course ban/kick ops! ^^
After copying to your scripts directory and adding to the bot's config file type:
.chanset #somechannel +voiceops
to activate for that channel
To Do
Allow setting a channel flag on the bot to enable voiceops for that channel. DONE!! 2008.09.18 :D
Help could be a bit more verbose explaining which arguments are accepted
Source Code
Either download this: voiceops.tcl.txt Or copy/paste this:
############# # Voiceops.tcl - lets +v or +o users !kick !topic !ban !unban !invite # .chanset #somechannel +voiceops to activate # voice'd users may type !voiceops for help # enjoys \^_^/!!!! #bindings go here, change if u wish bind pub - "!kick" pub:kick bind pub - "!topic" pub:topic bind pub - "!ban" pub:ban bind pub - "!unban" pub:unban bind pub - "!invite" pub:invite bind pub - "!+m" pub:moderate bind pub - "!-m" pub:unmoderate bind pub - "!+i" pub:plusi bind pub - "!-i" pub:minusi bind pub - "!lockdown" pub:lockdown bind pub - "!release" pub:release bind pub - "!voiceops" pub:voiceopshelp setudef flag voiceops putlog "voiceop.tcl loaded! :P" #function to make sure the user is voiced or opped, and this channel supports voiceop proc voiceop:validuser {nick chan} { if {([isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]) && ([channel get $chan voiceops])} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } #Help me erin!!! proc pub:voiceopshelp {nick host hand chan text} { if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Valid commands are: !kick !topic !ban !unban !invite !+m !-m !+i !-i !lockdown (moderate+invite) !release (terminate lockdown mode)" } } #invite a user to channel proc pub:invite {nick host hand chan text} { set whom [lindex $text 0] if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { if {[onchan $whom $chan]} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, are u blind?! $whom is already in $chan! :P" } else { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :inviting $whom to $chan..." puthelp "INVITE $whom $chan" putlog "$nick invited $whom to $chan" } } } #lockdown channel (set chanmode +im) proc pub:lockdown {nick host hand chan text} { if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { putlog "$nick locked down $chan" puthelp "MODE $chan +m+i" puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :channel in lockdown mode use !release to clear" } } #release lockdown'd channel (set chanmode -im) proc pub:release {nick host hand chan text} { if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { putlog "$nick unlocked down $chan" puthelp "MODE $chan -m-i" } } #make channel invite only proc pub:plusi {nick host hand chan text} { if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { putlog "$nick made $chan invite only" puthelp "MODE $chan +i" } } #moderate channel proc pub:minusi {nick host hand chan text} { if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { putlog "$nick set $chan -i" puthelp "MODE $chan -i" } } #moderate channel proc pub:moderate {nick host hand chan text} { if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { putlog "$nick moderated $chan" puthelp "MODE $chan +m" } } #unmoderate channel proc pub:unmoderate {nick host hand chan text} { if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { putlog "$nick unmoderated $chan" puthelp "MODE $chan -m" } } #remove a ban from a channel proc pub:unban {nick host hand chan text} { set hostmask [lindex $text 0] if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { putlog "$nick removed ban $hostmask from $chan" puthelp "MODE $chan -b $hostmask" } } #ban a user from channel proc pub:ban {nick host hand chan text} { set whom [lindex $text 0] if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { set bhost [getchanhost $whom $chan] if {[onchan $whom $chan]} { if {![isop $whom $chan]} { putserv "MODE $chan +b *!$bhost" pub:kick $nick $host $hand $chan $text putlog "$nick banned $whom on $chan" } else { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :nowai i'm banin' an op!!!" } } else { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick $whom is not on $chan" } } } #change channel topic proc pub:topic {nick host hand chan text} { if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { putserv "TOPIC $chan :$text" putlog "$nick changed topic to $text on $chan" } } #kick user from channel proc pub:kick {nick host hand chan text} { set whom [lindex $text 0] set reason [lrange $text 1 end] if {[voiceop:validuser $nick $chan]} { if {[onchan $whom $chan]} { if {![isop $whom $chan]} { putserv "KICK $chan $whom :$reason" putlog "$nick kicked $whom from $chan" } else { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :nowai i'm kickin' an op!!!" } } else { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick $whom is not on $chan" } } }