Contents |
What is this?
Background image functions for nintendo ds.
- easy loading from filesystem or memory
- auto vram allocation
- rotation and scaling function
- supports rotscale, tile, bitmap modes
- management functions for starting, stopping, selecting, and updating background scenery
2009-04-08: Made a small dent in the documentation, some things are a bit difficult to explain >_< but working on it in between other projects. 2009-03-24: have fixed most of the bitmap bg issues, and wrote example/eval code. :D updates comming soon...
Where to get it
Currently the sources for this are part of LibThds. The source can be downloaded via SVN (see libthds page) or directly from the svn httpd:
This file is separate and contains the special effects macros that may be used with thbg (these functions are shared with the sprite and 3D libs as well)
Example code:
- simple thbg example. Demonstrates custom fonts, rotation, scaling, scrolling, 16 and 256 color, BMP backgrounds, and BG management functions. :D
- Seperate loading and displaying functions to improve scene change time
- add png/bmp displaying ability (perhaps using a common gfx object type to load png or bmp, for backgrounds and sprites both?)
- need bmp example
- finish documentation...
Author's notes: need to provide better facilities for caching data from the filesystem to ram before loading to vram. perhaps thBgCreate can be used to prepare a bg in ram before thBgDisplay
Background functions
Initialize the thBg system, this includes setting up the scene manager, malloc functions and assigning VRAM banks:
void thBgInit(void);
Same as above function except allocates 256K of vram on engine A using Banks B and D.
void thBgInit256(void);
void thBgInit256(void);
void thBgUninit(void)
Deallocates resources used by thbg. VRAM banks remain set but are no longer used. This function may be used if it is desired to call thBgInit* again, or simply used to clear all backgrounds.
void thBgUninit(void);
This function currently must be called separately from thBgInit* and sets up the vblank interrupt for use with thbg. The rotation and scale data must be updated during vBlank, and calling this function ensures this will occur. However it may be necessary to use the vBlank for other purposes so thBgSetVBlank is provided to to allow auxiliary functions to be called. Alternatively vblankInt may be called from the user's own blank function.
void setBgVBlank(void);
adds an auxillary function to be called during vblank. See setBgVBlank for more explanation.
void thBgSetVBlank(_pBgVBlankFunc newvbfunc);
thBgCreateBmp Loads a bg map, tiles, and palette into vram and displays it
- screen - which screen (0 to 1)
- bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
- opts - options for this background, such as BG_32x32|BG_COLOR_256|BG_PRIORITY() to be OR'd onto this background's control register.
- bmp - pointer to tile data
- bmpsize - size of tile data in bytes
returns true if successfull
bool thBgCreateBmp(int screen, int bg, u16 opts, u16 *bmp, int bmpsize);
Loads a bg map, tiles, and palette into vram and displays it
- screen - which screen (0 to 1)
- bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
- opts - options for this background, such as BG_32x32|BG_COLOR_256|BG_PRIORITY() to be OR'd onto this background's control register.
- tiles - pointer to tile data
- tilesize - size of tile data in bytes
- map - pointer to map data
- mapsize - size of map data in bytes
returns true if successfull
bool thBgCreate(int screen, int bg, u16 opts, u16 *tiles, int tilesize, u16 *map, int mapsize);
Loads a background from from file(s). If tiled bg, fileprefix is the beginning of name, .raw, .bin, .pal is then appended to provide names for loading.
- screen - which screen (0 to 1)
- bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
- fileprefix - filename, or start of filename if paletted bg
- opts - options for this background, ORed together, such as: BG_32x32|BG_COLOR_256|BG_PRIORITY(BG_PRIORITY_2). The macro BGDEFAULTS is provided to to set the default bg values BG_32x32|BG_COLOR_256.
returns true if successfull
bool thBgLoad(int screen, int bg, const char *fileprefix, int opts);
Unloads and stops displaying background
- screen - which screen (0 to 1)
- bg - which background to use (0 to 3)
returns true if successfull
bool thBgDestroy(int screen, int bg); //frees any used vram, and otherwise disables specified background.. returns true if bg exists
Enables (displays) the background where:
- screen - screen 0 ~ 1
- bg - background 0 ~ 4
void thBgEnable(int screen, int bg);
Disables (turns off) the background where:
- screen - screen 0 ~ 1
- bg - background 0 ~ 4
void thBgDisable(int screen, int bg);
Rotates and/or scales a background. Screen must first be set to proper mode using thBgSetMode or thBgSetModeSub
- screen - which screen (0 ~ 1)
- bg - which background to use (2 ~ 3 only!!!)
- angle - rotation angle (standard nds angles)
- xmag, ymag - magnification (256 == 1:1, 512=1/2, 128=double size, etc)
- scrollx, scrolly - scrolls either x or y
- xc, yc - center point of source image
void thBgSetRotScale(int screen, int bg, u16 angle, int xmag, int ymag, u32 scrollx, u32 scrolly, u32 xc, u32 yc);
Update the palette used by a background. Background's control register must first be setup using thBgCreate, thBgLoad, or the BGCR macro in order for thUpdateBgPalette to know if its 16 or 256 color mode.
- pal - pointer to RGB15 array of palette data
- dstpal - destination bg (0-3)
- size - in bytes of RGB15 array.
void thUpdateBgPalette(uint16 *pal, int dstpal, int size);
Same as above except applies to Sub screen.
void thUpdateBgSubPalette(uint16 *pal, int dstpal, int size);
This macro allows a more automated way of updating the palette by automatically selecting the proper function based on the 'screen' variable.
- s - screen 0~1
- d - destination background 0~3
- p - source palette data. RGB15(x,x,x) array
- l - palette length in bytes
Macros and Defines
Below are relevant macros and defines.
//for thBgLoad #define BGDEFAULTS -1 //macro to find proper bg control reg #define BGCR(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000008+((s)<<12)+((b)<<1))) //calc (non-rotscale||bitmap) scroll register values.. #define BGX(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000010+((s)<<12)+((b)<<2))) #define BGY(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000012+((s)<<12)+((b)<<2))) //Macros to get the allocated tile and map locations for a particular screen #define thBgTile(s,b) (thbgs[(s)][(b)].tile) #define thBgMap(s,b) (thbgs[(s)][(b)].map) //Calculate ram address based on screen //bitmap same as tile 0x4000 boundries ^^ #define BGCTILERAM(s,t) (((t)<<14) + 0x06000000+((s)<<21)) #define BGCBMPRAM(s,b) (((b)<<14) + 0x06000000+((s)<<21)) #define BGCMAPRAM(s,m) (((m)<<11) + 0x06000000+((s)<<21)) //same as above but lookup via the screen/bg from alloc tables #define BGTILERAM(s,b) (BGCTILERAM((s),thbgs[(s)][(b)].tile)) #define BGBMPRAM(s,b) (BGCBMPRAM((s),thbgs[(s)][(b)].tile)) #define BGMAPRAM(s,b) (BGCMAPRAM((s),thbgs[(s)][(b)].map)) //Psuedo blitter type operations for copying to //display allocated display ram screen, bg0~3, inbuffer, imagesize #define thBgBlitBmp(s,b,i,l) dmaCopyWords(THBGDMA,(void*)(i), (u16*)BGBMPRAM((s),(b)), (l)) #define thBgBlitTile(s,b,i,l) dmaCopyWords(THBGDMA,(void*)(i), (u16*)BGTILERAM((s),(b)), (l)) #define thBgBlitMap(s,b,i,l) dmaCopyWords(THBGDMA,(void*)(i), (u16*)BGMAPRAM((s),(b)), (l)) #define DISPLAYCR(s) (*(vuint32*)(0x04000000+((s)<<12))) enum { BGNORMAL=0, BGROTSCALE=1, BGBMP=2 }; #define thBgSetMode(m) ((*(vuint32*)0x04000000)=((*(vuint32*)0x04000000)&0xfffffff8)|(m)) #define thBgGetMode() ((*(vuint32*)0x04000000)&0x7) #define thBgSetModeSub(m) ((*(vuint32*)0x04001000)=((*(vuint32*)0x04001000)&0xfffffff8)|(m)) #define thBgGetModeSub() ((*(vuint32*)0x04001000)&0x7) extern THBG_T thbgs[THMAXSCR][THMAXBG]; void thBgVramAllocInit(void); //alloc init (called in bg init) inline int thBgMAlloc(int screen, u32 size); //bg map alloc (size in map slots 0x800 boundries) inline int thBgTAlloc(int screen, u32 size); //bg tile alloc (size in tile slots 0x4000 bounds) inline bool thBgMFree(int screen, int map); //free for each of above inline bool thBgTFree(int screen, int tile); typedef struct _THBG_T { int map; int tilealloc; //tiles grow from top of vram.. int tile; bool used; } THBG_T;
Some quick examples. In addition to enabling the displays and vblank interrupt as usual the following thbg functions should be called:
thBgInit(); setBgVBlank();
Display 16 color 256x256 background from RAM
Displays on screen 0, background #1
thUpdateBgPal(0,1, background_pal, background_pal_size); thBgCreate(0, 1, BG_32x32 | BG_16_COLOR, (u16*)backgroundtiles_raw, backgroundtiles_raw_size, backgroundmap, backgroundmap_size);
Display a 256 color background from file
Will load and display a 256 color bg from a file.
thBgSetMode(1); thBgLoad(0, 3, "nitro:/somebg",BG_RS_32x32|BG_COLOR_256|BG_PRIORITY(BG_PRIORITY_3)|BG_WRAP_ON);
testing to see if it worked
Hi :)
Internally Used Structures
bgre vram alloc element (This is exactly the same malloc scheme i keep ripping off from vram malloc and is used by sprites, fifo and bglibs... rly i should just make a universal malloc code and consolidate all these...)
typedef struct _bgre { u16 size; //in tiles u16 tile; bool used; struct _bgre *next; } bgre;