//------------------------------------------------------------ // (Part of) This MML is generated by smf2mml ver.0.40. // the rest made me eris ~ april 2009 // Original SMF file is "/media/160gb/eternal_shrine_maiden-drums.mid". //------------------------------------------------------------ #title 「東方」 Eternal Shrine Maiden-永遠の巫女 #composer ZUN mml:erisu // MIDI @PRG,cc#0,cc#32 // [DRUM] @ 2 , CC#0: 1 , CC#32: 0 : "<> " (@ 0, "ADPCM:ESM36.wav", 50) // Note= 36 Standard 1 Kick 1 (@ 1, "ADPCM:ESM38.wav", 50) // Note= 38 Standard 1 Snare 1 (@ 2, "ADPCM:ESM42.wav", 50) // Note= 42 Closed Hi-Hat 1 (@ 3, "ADPCM:ESM46.wav", 50) // Note= 46 Open Hi-Hat 1 (@ 4, "ADPCM:ESM51.wav", 50) // Note= 51 Ride Cymbal 1 (@ 10, "ESMsaw.wav", 400,0) // (@ 11, "ADPCM:ESMharphigh.wav", 200) // (@ 12, "ESMsaw.wav", 200,0) // needed it lower after already used it as @10 >_> //------------------------------------------------------------ // [DRUM] @ 2 , CC#0: 1 , CC#32: 0 : "<> " {_0 @0 P64 @V127 %K5 O5A&} // Note= 36 Standard 1 Kick 1 {_1 @1 P64 @V105 %K4 O5A&} // Note= 38 Standard 1 Snare 1 {_2 @2 P84 @V127 %K3 O5A&} // Note= 42 Closed Hi-Hat 1 {_3 @3 P94 @V127 %K2 O5A&} // Note= 46 Open Hi-Hat 1 {_4 @4 P34 @V127 %K1 O5A&} // Note= 51 Ride Cymbal 1 //------------------------------------------------------------ //This part all manually entered in 3ml, then modded slightly to NDS_BGM format (ie: e1&e1. becomes e1^1.) otherwise is most all compatible :P (@5, PCM8, 32, "% FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 8090A0B0C0D0E0F0 0010203040506070 0000000000000000") (@7, PCM8, 64, "% 408098E8F0D8D0C8 C0B8B0A8A0989088 80889098A0A8B0B8 C0C8D0C8EE80F0F8 C0A0704810283038 4048505860687078 7F77706860585048 4038302820181000") (t5) //bass unison (delete if add midi's bass) $$ t136 @10 S120,12,120,0 K0 L4 Q8 O5 %K4 l1 o2 @V97 P55 c %S5 l1 o2 @V97 P55 c c c c o3 c c c c c^ c^ c^ c^ r1r1r1r1 %J5 (t8) //bass t136 @S4 S127,1,127,0 K0 L4 Q8 O5 %K4 l1 o3 @V23 P73 {h c} {i c} {j c^} h %S8 l1 o3 @V23 P73 [4 h] o4 [4 i] [4 j] < h %J8 (t7) //arpeggios and pedal points t136 @5 S127,1,127,0 K0 L4 Q7 O5 %K2 l8 o4 @V49 P45 {m ce-ge-} {n c<>e-<>g<>e-<>} {p c<>e-<>g<>e-<>} {q >e-<>g<>e-<>} mnpq %S7 l8 o4 @V49 P45 Q7 [4 mnpq] l16@V46 P45 {h ccccdce-cfce-cdce-c} {i ccccdce-cdce-cfcdc} {j ccccdce-ce-ce-cdce-c} {k ccccdce-cdce-cdccc} hi hi hi hi //legato Q8 jjhk jhhk @V56 hhhk hhhk hhhi hhhi r1 r1 r1 r1 %J7 (t4) //lead unison t136 @10 S102,7,124,0 K0 L4 Q8 O5 l1 o5 P45 [4 r1] %S4 l1 o4 @V69 P15 [16 r1] l4 @I0 @H18,2,9 d.e-.fde-8dc8 c.g.c c4.g4.^ d.e-.f de-8fa-8f e-.d.c de-8f2^8 d.e-.f de-8dc8 c4.g.c c4.g2^8 d.e-.f de-8fa-8f e-.d.c de-8f.^ e-2dc8d8^2cc8^1^2cd e-2dc8d8^2cc8^1^2ce- g2fe-8f8^2e-d8e-8^8c2.^8^2ce- g2fe-8f8^2e-d8e-8^8c2.^8^1 [4 r1] %J4 (t6) //intro harp and lead harp t136 @7 S127,7,107,1 K0 L4 Q8 O5 %K1 {h c4.e-4f8g} {i c4.e-4f8g} {j c4.e-f8d4} {k e-4.g4.e-} o4r1r1r1 @V75 P69 r4.l4 e-8e-8f8g %S6 @I0 o4 @V75 P69 [2 h] j d4.e-.f8g8 [2 i] j d4.e-.a- [2 k] e-4.g4.c d4.e-4.f8g8 [2 k] e-4.g4.c d4.a-4.g8f8 //lead @V95 P74 @I-0 S127,12,107,1 d.e-.fde-8dc8 c.g.c c4.g4.^ d.e-.f de-8fa-8f e-.d.c de-8f2^8 d.e-.f de-8dc8 c4.g.c c4.g2^8 d.e-.f de-8fa-8f e-.d.c de-8f.^ e-2dc8d8^2cc8^1^2cd e-2dc8d8^2cc8^1^2ce- g2fe-8f8^2e-d8e-8^8c2.^8^2ce- g2fe-8f8^2e-d8e-8^8c2.^8^1 r1r1r1r4.l4 e-8e-8f8g %J6 (t11) //2nd note of harp (can/should be merged with another track like the lead unison?) t136 @7 S127,7,107,2 K0 L4 Q8 O5 %K1 {h r4.e-4.c} o4l1@V68 [4 r] %S11 o4 l1 @V75 [4 r] [3 r]r2.l4e- [2 h] c4.e-4.r e-4.r4 [2 h] c4.e-4.r r.r4 l1 [32 r] S127,7,107,1 e-fdg %J11 (t12) //echo echo echo... ^^ %K3 t136 @S6 S127,1,127,0 K0 L4 Q8 O5 %K3 {i P76 @V24 e-fgr P66 @V16 e-fgr P58 @V12 e-f grr4r1} {j gfe-f} {k e-fg^} %S12 l16 Q8 P76 @V24r4.e-fgr P66 @V20e-fgr P58 @V12e-f grr4r1 P76 @V24e-fgr P66 @V20e-fgr P58 @V12e-f g %S12 l16 Q8 rr4r1 [7 i] P76 @V33e-fgr P66 @V16e-fgr P58 @V12e-f grr4.r2 o3 l1 @V25 [4 j] [4 k] [3 r1] r16 %J12 (t9) //delayed pedal point (delay == 32nd) t136 @5 S127,10,108,0 K0 L4 Q7 O5 %K2 {h ccccdce-cfce-cdce-c} {i ccccdce-cdce-cfcdc} {j ccccdce-cf8e-8d8c8} l1 P74 [4 r] %S9 Q7 l1 P74 [16 r] l16 @V27 r32 hi hi hi hi //legato @V27 Q8 P84 hi hi hi hi @V29 [2 j] hi [2 j] hi ji hi hi hi r32 r16 r8 r2. [3 r1] %J9 //------------------------------------------------------------ (t0) // MIDI-ch:10 Order:0 [DRUM] // Measure:1 O3 Q8 %K1 // Midi Created by Rosegarden // http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/ @V127 P64 // Measure:2-5 T136 [4 _4,1] %S0 // Measure:6-13 [8 [4 _2,4]] // Measure:14-16 {h _2,8 _0,8 _2,8 _1,8} {i _2,4 _1,8 _2,8} {j _2,4 _3,8 _2,8} hi hi hi // Measure:17-20 [4 hj] // Measure:21 h _2,4 _3,8 _2,1^1^1^1^1^1^1.^8 // Measure:22 _0,8 // Measure:23 _2,8 // Measure:24 _1,8 // Measure:25 _3,16 // Measure:26 _0,16 // Measure:27 _0,8 // Measure:28 _1,8 // Measure:29 _0,8 // Measure:30 _1,8 _0,16 _0,16 _1,8 _0,16 _0,16 _0,16 _0,16 // Measure:31-53 {k _2,8 _2,8 _2,8 _2,8} {m _2,16 _0,16 _2,8 _2,16 _0,16 _3,16 _0,16} [23 km] // Measure:54 _2,16 r16 r8 r2. [3 r1] %J0 (t2) // MIDI-ch:10 Order:1 [DRUM] // Measure:1 O3 Q8 %K5 @V127 P64 // Measure:2-4 T136 [3 R1] // Measure:5 R2 %S1 _2,4 _2,1^1^1^1^1^1^1^1^8 // Measure:6 _0,2.. // Measure:7-9 [3 _3,1] // Measure:10-13 [4 _1,1] // Measure:14 _1,1^1^1^1^1^1^1^1^4 // Measure:15-21 [7 _2,8] // Measure:22 _3,8 // Measure:23 _0,8 // Measure:24 _1,8 // Measure:25 _0,8 // Measure:26 _1,8 // Measure:27 _0,8 // Measure:28 _1,8 // Measure:29 _0,8 // Measure:30 _0,8 // Measure:31 _0,8 // Measure:32 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _0,8 // Measure:33-36 [4 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _0,8] // Measure:37 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 // Measure:38-53 [16 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _1,8 _0,8 _0,8] // Measure:54 _0,16 r16 r8 r2. [2 r1] r2 %J1 //------------------------------------------------------------ //(@ 0, "xxxxxxxx.wav", 50) // MIDI @ 82, 0, 0 : "Saw Wave " //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ (t3) // MIDI-ch:7 Order:0 // Measure:1 O3 Q8 %K5 // Created by Rosegarden // http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/ @12 @V97 P50 S127,1,127,0 // Measure:2 T136 C1 // Measure:3 C1 // Measure:7 P65 @V97 S127,1,126,0 > c1 // Measure:23 A#8. R16A#8. R16G#8. R16G#8. R16G#8. R16A#8. R16A#8. R16A#8 C8.R16 C8.R16 C8.R16 C8.R16 // Measure:31 A#8. R16A#8. // Measure:32 R16G#8. R16G#8. R16G#4 G#8. // Measure:33 R16A#8. R16A#8. R16A#8. R16A#8 // Measure:34 C8.R16 C8.R16 C8.R16 C4 // Measure:35 C8.R16 C8>C8. R16C8. R16C8. // Measure:41 R16C8. R16C8. R16C8. R16C8. // Measure:42 R16C8 C8 // Measure:46 <G#8 G#8 G#8 G#8 // Measure:47 A#8 A#8 A#8 A#8 // Measure:48 C8>C8 C8 C8 C8 // Measure:49 C8 C8 C8 C8 // Measure:50 <G#8 G#8 G#8 G#16A16 // Measure:51 A#8 A#8 A#8 A#8 // Measure:52 C8.R16 C8.R16 C8.R16 C8.R16 // Measure:53 C8.R16 C8.R16 C16C8R16 C4 // Measure:54 >C1 // Measure:55 >C8. R8. // Measure:27 R2 <>C8. R16C8. R16C8. R16C8. // Measure:31 R16>C8. R16C8. R16C8. R16C8. // Measure:35 R16C8. R8. >C8. R16C8. R16C8. // Measure:45 R16C8. R16C8 C16R16C8 C16R8. // Measure:46-48 [3 r1] // Measure:49 R2 R4.. <>C8. R16C8. R16C8. R16C4 // Measure:53 C4 C4 C4 C8 // Measure:54-57 [4 r1] // Measure:58 %J10