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What is this?

An audio library for the homebrew on the Nintendo DS.


  • Playback of 8bit, 16bit pcm, ICM-ADPCM
  • Looping
  • Noise generation
  • Tone generation using the PSG (Square wave, adjustable duty cycle, Equal Temperment tuning)
  • Arm7's audio registers accessable via arm9
  • Adjustable fade out of individual channels
  • Audio sample manager (to simplify playback)
  • Samples loadable from .wav files on nitrofs, fat-fs, etc..
  • Dynamic manipulation of playing samples.. (stopping playing samples, pitch, volume, pan, etc can all be manipulated)
  • Playback channel is selectable
  • Presetable defaults for sample rate, volume, and pan.


  • Add auto channel selection

Functions common to both CPU

This needs to be called at startup on both CPU before any other audio functions.

void thSndInit(void);

Sample loading and management functions

Load a sample from .wav file. Supported formats are 8bit mono, 16bit mono, and IMA-ADPCM. Stereo sample support MAY be added later.

  • name - name of file to load

Returns pointer to newly created sample.

thSample_t *thSampleLoadWav(const char *name);

Create a sample from raw audio data.

  • start - pointer to start of sample in memory
  • len - length of sample (in samples)
  • loopstart - Loop point of sample. in number of samples from start.
  • rate - sample rate in hertz (44100, 11025, etc etc)
  • opts - options. Should include one each of: SNDPCM8, SNDPCM16, SNDADPCM. Additionally may OR on SNDLOOP (or even specify a default volume, pan, but wont get into this yet.. :P)

Returns Pointer to newly created sample.

thSample_t *thSampleCreate(void *start, int len, void *loopstart, int rate, u8 opts);

Unloads a sample from memory. If it was loaded from .wav file will automagically unload that as well.. :p

void thSampleDestroy(thSample_t *thSample);

General Sound Functions

Sets default sample playback options.

void thPlayDefaults(int rate, char level, char pan, u32 flags);

Starts playing a previously loaded sample.

  • chan - channel to use for playback
  • sample - previously loaded sample
  • vol - playback volume (0 to 127)
  • pan - playback pan (0 to 127, 0 = left, 127 = right, 64 = center)
void thSndPlaySample(char chan, thSample_t *sample, char vol, char pan);

Plays a sound in raw format from memory on the specified channel.

  • chan - channel to use for playback (0 to 15)
  • start - pointer to start of audio data in memory
  • len - length of sample (in samples)
  • vol - playback volume (0 to 127)
  • pan - playback pan (0 to 127, 0 = left, 127 = right, 64 = center)
  • loopstart - position to start looping sound (in samples)
  • opts - options (such as SNDPCM16, SNDPCM8, etc... see options sections)
void thSndPlayRaw(char chan, void *start, int len, int rate, char vol, char pan, u32 loopstart, u32 opts);

Direct manipulation of the arm7's audio registers from the arm9

  • chan - channel to manipulate (0 to 15)
  • start - start register
  • len - length register
  • rate - rate register
  • loopstart - loopstart register
  • opt - channel's CR register
void thSndRegDirect(char chan, u32 start, int len, int rate, u32 loopstart, u32 opts);

Playback a sample use default volume and pan settings

  • chan - channel to manipulate (0 to 15)
  • sample - pointer to previously loaded audio sample
void thSndDefPlaySample(char chan, thSample_t *sample);

Playback a sample using default volume, pan, and rate settings

  • chan - channel to manipulate (0 to 15)
  • start - pointer to start of audio data
  • len - length of audio data (in samples)
void thSndDefPlayRaw(char chan, void *start, int len);

Plays noise on the specified channel.

  • chan - channel to play noise (14 or 15 only! :)
  • rate - rate of playback (use 11025 if in doubt ?_?)
  • vol - playback volume (0 to 127)
  • pan - playback pan (0 to 127, 0 = left, 127 = right, 64 = center)
void thSndPlayNoise(char chan, u16 rate, char vol, char pan);

Plays a note on the specified channel via the PSG. Note is a square wave with adjustable duty cycle.

  • chan - channel to play note (8 to 13 only!)
  • note - note to play 0 = c, 1 = c#, 2 = d, 3 = d#, 4 = e, 5 = f, etc etc up to 64 or so (range depends on tuning)
  • duty - duty cycle of PSG (0 to 7, use 4 if in doubt ?_?)
  • vol - playback volume (0 to 127)
  • pan - playback pan (0 to 127, 0 = left, 127 = right, 64 = center)
void thSndPlayNote(char chan, char note, char duty, char vol, char pan);

Immediately stops playing sample, note, noise, or raw data the specified channel.

  • chan - channel to stop
void thSndStop(char chan);

Changing Active Parameters

These functions change various attributes after sound has already began playing.

Change channel's volume.

  • chan - channel to change (0-15)
  • vol - playback volume (0 to 127)
void thSndSetVol(char chan, char vol);

Change channel's Pan..

  • chan - channel to change (0-15)
  • pan - playback pan (0 to 127, 0 = left, 127 = right, 64 = center)
void thSndSetPan(char chan, char pan);

Change channel's sample rate. Usefull for special effects! :p

  • chan - channel to change (0-15)
  • rate - new channel frequency (in hertz)
void thSndSetRate(char chan, u32 rate);

Change PSG's duty cycle. thSndSetDuty

  • chan - channel to play note (8 to 13 only!)
  • duty - duty cycle of PSG (0 to 7, use 4 if in doubt ?_?)
void thSndSetDuty(char chan, char duty);

Initiate a fadeout on specified channel. Useful for fading out repeating wavforms, mp3s, or even can be used with PSG note generation for rudamentary synth effects. Once volume reaches 0 audio playback is stopped on specified channel

  • chan - channel to change (0-15)
  • faderate - how fast to fade out... higher the number, faster the playback.. need to write formula here eh? 256 would = approx 2 seconds if volume = 127. @_@???

could make this a bit simpler, make faderate a time in ms and do math on arm7...hmmm

void thSndFade(char chan, u16 faderate);
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