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Revision as of 09:26, 15 September 2008 by Eris (Talk | contribs)
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yay. looks awesome :)

can't wait to play this ^^ i just hope the collision detection won't slow it down too much. good luck! :)

  • Thanks you! ^^ ... it wont slow down much, its doing collisions already at the top right i have graze counter, does not use much cpu at all using this bit of code, which i took from PA_Lib:
//yes ripped str8 from palib, but hey u guys did okai here :D
extern inline u64 thDistance(s32 x1, s32 y1, s32 x2, s32 y2) {
   s64 h = x1 - x2;
   s64 v = y1 - y2;
   return(h*h + v*v);
  • Runs quite fast, am concerned a bit about line-circle collisions and laser rendering but have a good bit of cpu still free. ^^ Eris

wow! thats so cool!!!

I like TH and I like DS !!

best regards!!!

When are we going to be able to play this?

  • hopefully soon, still working on behind the scenes stuffs. There is a mostly working demo from like 6 months back but it uses some of zun's original music and don't feel should put it up publicly. I'll try to get another demo soon as possible. ^^ Eris

Thanks ^_^.

Another question. Are we going to get focus?

  • well atm, the player character changes speed and switches bullet patterns when the right shoulder button is pressed. need to add a character based delay however. Eris

Great. Thanks for answering. Hope this project gets completed some day. :]

  • it is coming together finally :P Eris

And One Last Question.

When/If this is released, will it have DLDI support so on all flashcards this can be played?

Yes, already it supports dldi and i plan to use the FAT filesystem for replay data storage at a later date.. :D Eris



irssi scripts
eggdrop scripts