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Sorry for delays between posts but when working am not writing. hehe Last night (over the past few days really) made lot of progress with background system, am now able to do thBgLoad(screen,bg0thru4, "fileprefix") and it loads the map, tiles, palette, and a bgtype definition file automagically. Can also load from memory with another function so that the font and startup screens may be loaded before filesystem is initalized (as well as be able to display error messages :)

Also automatic vram allocations finding the smallest 'hole' that the data will fit, similar to what i have done with sprite's vram. Made these macro defines to allow screen (s), and bg (b) parameters.

//macro to find proper bg control reg
#define BGCR(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000008+((s)<<12)+((b)<<1)))
#define DISPLAYCR(s)       (*(vuint32*)(0x04000000+((s)<<12)))
#define BGX0(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000010+((s)<<12)+((b)<<2)))
#define BGY0(s,b) (*(vuint16*)(0x04000012+((s)<<12)+((b)<<2)))
#define BGBMPRAM(s,b)  (((b)<<14) + 0x06000000+((s)<<21))
#define BGTILERAM(s,b) (((b)<<14) + 0x06000000+((s)<<21))
#define BGMAPRAM(s,b)  (((b)<<11) +  0x06000000+((s)<<21))

Background loading went from:

	dmaCopyWords(3,BG1_Map, (u16*)BG_MAP_RAM(12), sizeof(BG1_Map));
	dmaCopyWords(3,BG1_Tiles, (u16*)BG_TILE_RAM(1), sizeof(BG1_Tiles));
	dmaCopyWords(3,BG1_Map, (u16*)BG_MAP_RAM_SUB(12), sizeof(BG1_Map));
	dmaCopyWords(3,BG1_Tiles, (u16*)BG_TILE_RAM_SUB(1), sizeof(BG1_Tiles));
	thUpdateBgPalette((u16*)BG1_Pal, 1, sizeof(BG1_Pal));
	thUpdateBgSubPalette((u16*)BG1_Pal, 1, sizeof(BG1_Pal));

To this:

thBgLoad(0, 1, "nitro:/BG1");
	thBgLoad(1, 1, "nitro:/BG1");

Much simpler!! \^_^/ Can also load from ram so that font data and startup screens may be loaded before the filesystems are initalized (and ofc display errors)

So now am working on bringing the menu systems back using the new systems and have ran into a small bug last night, was quite tired so went to sleep. Now im awake, so here we go.. bbiab ^^/

It has been an eventful few days. Some hackers got onto the server, creating a bit of havoc but politely leaving it otherwise intact. Fixing that required backing up the data, reinstalling, updating everything, fixing the inevitable problems but normalcy is finally being restored. Friend also came to visit from out of town, and have some financial difficulties that are still being sorted. All this delayed work on game much more than i would have liked.. But...

Last night managed to find a troublesome bug in the sprite code. A sprite system funtion that tries to allocate a hardware sprite on the given screen division (there are 8 divisions, 4 per physical screen because of the multiplexing scheme) and if it fails returns -1 that should never return -1, at least with the limited number of sprites im using so far, (so i wasnt checking the return value >_>) WAS returning -1. Hmmz easier to explain in code:

inline int thGetNextSprite(u8 screen); //Return the next available hardware sprite on the given screen (0 thru 7)

The reason it was failing however was because the screen argument being passed was -1 from this funtion

//create a sprite on each screen sprite would be visable.. screen0 = first screen, screen1 = last visable screen
inline int thSubCreateSprite(thSprite_t *thsp, int screen0, int screen1); 

Sprites may span up to 4 'screens' (each screen is 48 pixels high, rly better terminology for this would be 'subscreen'). If the sprite is not visible on any screen screen0 argument would == -1. And THIS too wasnt being checked before calling thSubCreateSprite, causing the entire problem.

The bug appeared as an occasional missing bullet, and was occasionally corrupting other parts of ram as well. Originally thought it was in the bullet engine code, where i looked and looked often trying to find it before finally examining a disassembly and noticing the sprite tables were immediately above the bullet tables in memory and wondering if a corrupted array index may be to blame.

Confused? @_@??? Yes, kinda pointless to even try to explain, simple of it is.. ITS FIXED!!!! XDDDDDDDD Hopefully i will keep my schedule of completing a mostly working demo by the end of month tho it may be a few days longer due to the expected delays.

Also considering moving this dev blog to eris's user talk page instead, since it covers more than just THDS, and is getting quite long. Anyways back to work.. ^^

Heyas! Been insanely busy past few days working on the game, well notrly the game but the libraries to support the game. ^^ Now have soundfx, and a very nice FIFO/IPC system among other things.

First animation attempt

While making the sound lib created a simple synth, which sounds a lot neater that i'd thought it would Here a very very short mp3 demonstrating it. Had originally wanted to make mp3/midi playback of the soundtrack as Zun does but abandoned the idea early on... For now my objective is still to get a demo out by end of month, but may come back to the synth and midi idea afterward. ^^

Really need to work on my sprite animation techniques.. am pretty terrible (see pic :p) however this .gif was done quickly just to gimme something for testing the animation code rather than a very serious attempt at animation. Still am concerned a bit. Her skirt needs to flutter and hair needs blowing in breeze, prolly need to find better software than GIMP for the task, any suggestions? @_@

Gotta get back to work, leave with this nice sprite tutorial. a nice tutorial on sprite making


Here we are, happy 08/08/08!! ^^ Found out last night game was mentioned on MotK along with another thds by anoNL in the works. :D Good we needz moar touhou!!

Just laying here in bed after getting my new audio library working about to nap and thought to write a bit. Am very excited as it is very efficient and feature packed, even includes basic PSG functions mostly because i was wanting to use the noise generators on a level to simulate environmental noises. Still a few little features to add but its working gr8 so far!! :D

Have decided to attempt releasing a demo by the end of the month, probably just a single level but am doing alot of hardware trickery and trying new things, need to test will work with all homebrew cards and such. Will do my best! ^^

Otherwise lot has happend personally. My poor kitteh, who is best friend, and familiar died 2 days ago. She never recovered from whatever happened to her when she disappeared. but at least got to say goodbye and be with her to the end, was very difficult time. ;__;

protip: after hours and hours of wondering why something isn't working, give up and try doing it a different way.

Earlier today finally got back to working a bit, ran into some unexpected behaviour on the ds itself that i couldnt replicate on no$gba. after a few frustrating hours going in circles, realized there was an even nicer more simple way to do it and did that instead. Still had the memory sharing problems, this:

Shared Work     027FF000h 4KB    -     -    -    R/W

is only explained as:

Region 2 and 7 are not understood?

sighs, so nor do i still do not fully understand them. but now know, if u want something to be always available at either cpu without caching issues, use this region.. it rly needs a malloc. and a semaphore mechanism. Along those lines have made some simple 8,16, and 32 bit ring buffer code. ^^

a thought: if had flushed the cache after writes on the arm9 side this might not have been a problem :D

otherwise, over the past week or so my kitty dissappeared, she returned 4 days later very worn and weak. Was very very worry. ;;

Also made new song for start menu.


Finally went to dentist last tuesday, was there for 5 hours... not very pleasant, but after a few days of recovery feel much better and have resumed working. \(^_^)/

Have a working FIFO library now. days of resting allowed a bit of ponderings, and decided to go extremely simple with the FIFO code channelizing transmissions and providing facilities for locating particular channels on either side. Additionally will create messaging and ring buffer libraries for dealing with higher level tasks. This makes things more flexible and should improve handling speed for some situations.

Have already a ring buffer library coded for another project. Will attempt to reuse that and save some time.. :D


Image from spritelib demo showing

found a bug in the bulletlib, very odd it didnt like that i preset a global to 0. Normally set globals in init functions, and had set this one the same, but for some reason when declaring it had int nextbullet=0; which caused things to go screwy whenever nextbullet equaled 0... @_@ still confused about that..

Made a simple stand alone example/demo for spritelib. Image on the right shows the result. :D

  • animated 64x64 kaguya.thg movable by the touchscreen on the left
  • grit converted 8x8 white dot on the top
  • spinning red star on middle left
  • 16 color 16x16 kaguya on the right
  • a 8x16 2 frame gfx on two sprites (frame 0 blue+yellow and frame 1 pink+green circles)
  • and a buncha 16x16 bullets to demonstrate the multiplexing ^^

Few things remaining to create, need a better sound fx system, and to do that need a decent fifo which would also improve the mp3 playback *sighs* really want to get back to the fun of pretty pattern making, but need these backend stuffs need doing first.. ~~

Also finally released a very rough example application for the thmp3 lib. Added some features so that it may used in a friend's rhythm game.

toof again a bit better than before, still worrying me at time. -_- Today and yesterday made good bit of progress on spritelib, cleaned it up, fixed some bugs, only one weird thing remains but it may be in the bullets system instead. Not sure..

Also since there was some interest in the arm7 mp3 library (using helix ofc), went ahead and broke it off into a seperate project. Moar non-game work, but letting others use the code will help me find and correct bugs faster and result in better code for all. ^^ Over the next few days will most likely be documenting and correcting bugs in the sprite and mp3 libs.

Toof getting a bit better, but still an an annoyance. ;; After talking with dovoto who is creating a pretty decent nondanmaku library for newest libnds, decided it was important to support multiple object/tile boundry sizes in thsprite. What that means is your not limited to the 128K vram banks for sprite tile data thsprite allocates by default. You can instead use 32, 64, or even 256K of vram depending on application. Some users may desire to use limited sprites and allocate the rest of vram for 3d textures, or may desire more tile data and use 256K.

Work is nearly done here, just need to modify the raw gfx loading functions (for loading grit processed sprites) and clean up a bit. Then can again get back to the actual game code. :D

Tooth still hurts... >_< Otherwise some progress in the spritelib! can now load 16/256 color images instead of just 256 which saves on vram meaning moar animations! Hopefully tonight will start to re-integrate the entities and spells libraries which should give me players, enemys, familiars, and ofc spells again. That would leave only thmenu and thgoodness libs which are the start menu and other game functionality (such as levels, scoring, and other gamey related stuffs).

2008.07.04 Tooth hurts really bad, keeping me awake at night. still working on the spritelib one feature left to add, loading of 16color in addition to 256 color sprites to save memory when possible.

Made more music, now have 26 minutes 54 seconds total! XDD Definitly not Zun quality, but i am improving. u_u

have met recently SquidMan who has started working on a touhou game for wii. ^^ I had a wii but sold it to buy the ds and a flash card instead, had it for almost a year and never played it. :\


Have drawn a few characters and created about half dozen musics, but the graphics and audio used in these screenshots are from a version some months back and taken from various internet sources.

first half of level (Ignore replay debug infos on top ~_~)
final spell of level, verily hard
Peak at some of the game code, and Utter Lunacy spell

I'll update more soon, working on spritelib a bit still, and got distracted making yet moar musics :D

irssi scripts
eggdrop scripts